February 12, 2016

Happy Birthday, Abe!

This season, we’re challenging children to imagine themselves as the nation’s next trailblazer, explorer or creative genius with inspiration from Abraham Lincoln, a role model for honesty and integrity.

As Honest Abe introduces our new creative campaign, “Amazing Starts Here,” we are honoring his birthday today with a #29DaysofEssentials to do item: nurture your child’s potential. How do I nurture my child’s potential? Here are a few suggestions…


Identify a Great Role Model

By introducing children to role models who are known for their exceptional leadership and character, we can support children as they strive to meet their fullest potential. While children often idolize sports and entertainment celebrities, true role models aren’t judged by their fame or titles, but by their ability to inspire young people to develop the skills, abilities, and the motivation they need to become engaged citizens.

Abraham Lincoln once said, “The best way to predict your future is to create it.” Introduce your child to positive role models, like Albert Einstein and Abraham Lincoln from our Amazing Starts Here campaign, who showcase valuable characteristics like honesty, creativity, responsibility and leadership – skills that will help children form a vision for their future.

Let Them Lead

Take a back seat as you observe your child determine his or her own passions. Follow your child’s individual interests, and let them show you what they want to learn and why. Along the way, inspire your children to be imaginative, inventive, authentic and unique. Leverage your child’s curiosity to encourage learning about new things while having new and different experiences together.

Following their lead means watching your children and taking note of where they’re spending the most time, what they like to play with the most, etc. Is your child building with legos or in the play kitchen? Is your child climbing over everything or reading a book? Just by watching, you can learn what your kids are trying to teach themselves and what they’re most interested in. Reinforce their learning through their natural interests.

Have Fun

Fun is at the root of almost all successful early learning experiences because if little ones aren’t enjoying themselves, they tend to get distracted and the teaching opportunities are lost. Studies show that children learn when they’re playing and having fun. Learning through play is an essential part of the Kiddie Academy curriculum.

For example, if a class is discussing zoo animals, there are stations for both work and play prepared for children to independently explore the topic. This might include an art station where a child has the opportunity to creatively explore the topic through arts and crafts. Maybe they draw a picture of the animals, or develop a 3-D model using crafting supplies illustrating their favorite animal.

Playing is the main way children learn leadership and build critical-thinking skills. They learn to solve problems independently.


Nurturing each child’s individual potential will inspire them to dream big and develop independence, helping to create the next generation of innovative and independent thinkers. 

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